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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (£299.00)£299.00
  • Preferred option
    3 Month Payment Plan (3x £100.00)3x £100.00

One-to-one support

You can add one-to-one support for me to support you on this journey of A Different Way of Being
You'll receive 3 one-to-one sessions to help guide you through the programme. This will also help you make sustainable shifts in your life, and really embed A New Way of Being. Upgrade to The Deeper Experience for £478 (if you'd like a payment plan just get in touch). All one-to-ones must be taken within the 8 week period.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


A Different Way of Being£0

An online programme to deepen your connection with life.

A Different Way of Being is an 8 module online programme that has connection at its heart. A connection to you and to life.

The programme includes;
  • 8 videos, one for each module and theme.
  • 8 workbooks to support each week.
  • Guided meditations to support you through the process. Exercises and inspiration throughout the programme such as meditations, books and things to watch.
  • Lifetime access to the content so you can revisit whenever you want.

You can go at your own pace, either over 8 weeks, or you can move through more quickly, or more slowly, whatever feels right for you.

  • Total payment
  • 1xA Different Way of Being£0

All prices in GBP
